



October Issue #7 

Addendum to THE EDUCATION COMPANION NEWSLETTER Newly added sites to: Mrs. Young's Super Charged Educational Voyage http://www.theeducationcompanion.com ============================================================ The companion newsletter to Mrs. Young's Super Charged Educational Voyage 

Janet Young, Newsletter Developer, Editor and Co-Author Subscribe: http://educationcompanion.listbot.com/ Archives: http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/garston/49/archives.html ============================================================ ==== IN THIS "EDUCATION COMPANION" NEWSLETTER ADDENDUM ===== Mrs. Young's "New Pages/Links On...

~ CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS ~ http://members.aol.com/Donnpages/USHolidays.html#COLUMBUS 

A Christopher Columbus Timeline http://www1.minn.net/~keithp/cctl.htm     Editor's Choice: Christopher Columbus http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/educate/columbus.htm                          You'll find a whole page of links to web sites on Christopher Columbus. A very timely resource. Columbus Day worksheets (in the social studies section) 

http://www.schoolexpress.com/ Columbus http://deil.lang.uiuc.edu/web.pages/holidays/Columbus.html Go West with Columbus -  N,S,E,W game to print out

 http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/6459/actpag10.html                            The Columbus Navigation Homepage http://www1.minn.net/~keithp/

Christopher's Crossing http://edweb.sdsu.edu/courses/edtec670/Cardboard/Board/C/Columbus.html Columbus Day (Native American Perspective) Mini-UNIT http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/TLresources/longterm/Byrnes/columbus.html The Indians Discovery of Columbus UNIT http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/guides/1992/2/92.02.01.x.html 

CORE KNOWLEDGE Christopher Columbus UNIT: Special Ed (4 weeks) http://www.coreknowledge.org/CKproto2/resrcs/lessons/SPSECOLUMB.htm Columbus Day; A Famous Explorer http://www.educast.com/arc/lp/soc/9710134o.html Indigenous Persons Day (lesson plan and activity sheet) [grades 7-12]

http://www.educast.com/arc/lp/soc/9710137o.html                                      ~ Columbus Myth Busters


http://marauder.millersv.edu/~columbus/data/art/LAUFER02.ART The United Nations Home Page This is the official Web Site of the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Here you will find daily UN News, UN Documents and Publications, UN Overview information, UN Conference information, Photos, and other UN information resources.

 WORLD FEDERATION OF UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATIONS http://www.wfuna-art.com/ Founded in 1946 as a people's movement for the United Nations, the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA)is the only international, non-governmental organization devoted entirely to the support of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. While convinced that fostering genuine peace, security and justice throughout the world depended on a strong United Nations, WFUNA's founders realized that this strength could only develop with the support of informed public opinion in the member states. 


A program for any and all high school (ages 15-18) Students... UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM http://www.unsystem.org/index.html 

Official Web Site Locator for the UN System including UN Headquarters, UN programmes, specialized agencies, autonomous organizations and the inter-agency coordination bodies. UNDCP - United Nations and Other International Organizations http://www.undcp.org/unlinks.html 

Links to relevant UN organizations American Model United Nations http://www.amun.org/ International collegiate UN simulation held annually in Chicago. With information on past and upcoming conferences. 

Booker T. Washington Model U.N http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/9310/index.html High school UN simulation plus research links for world issues. 

Harvard Model United Nations http://hcs.harvard.edu/~hnmun/ National collegiate model United Nations program. Provides details for applying for the next annual session. 

MUN Resource http://members.aol.com/mrremm/private/mun.html Information and resources available for Model United Nations delegates. Find position paper guide lines, topic information, and the 

MUN handbook. Model UN Mailing List http://muhu.cs.helsinki.fi/mailing_lists/edu-texts/msg37.html 

Explanation of how to subscribe to a model United Nations mailing list maintained by the University of Chicago. Rider Univ. Model United Nations http://www.rider.edu/users/phanc/model_un/index.htm 

History of the Model UN program at Rider from 1968 to date. Teams and Alumni directories, with news updates provided by alumni. University of Pennsylvania Model UN http://www.upmunc.org/ Information about participation in a major model UN conference held each year. Includes links to other conferences. 

THE UNITED NATIONS CYBER_SCHOOL_BUS [Outstanding!!!} http://www.un.org/Pubs/CyberSchoolBus/ The United Nations CyberSchoolBus brings global information and global expertise straight to your school and classroom. Project-packed, fun-filled, loaded with lessons and interactive activities, the CyberSchoolBus offers teachers and students an educational site with a global perspective. Key subjects: Global Studies, Geography, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, History, Government, Civics, Language Arts. 

USICEF - USA http://www.unicefusa.org/   The United States Committee for UNICEF works in more than 160 countries and territories providing health care, clean water, improved nutrition, and education to millions of children in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. 

PREAMBLE TO THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS http://historyplace.com/specials/calendar/docs-pix/june-un-charter.htm

CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS http://www.un.org/Overview/Charter/contents.html  

UNDP - The United Nations - What it is and What it does http://www.undp.org/un/un_what.html 

UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS WEBSITE http://www.unhchr.ch/hrostr.htm This chart, which is not exhaustive, is intended to describe the functioning of the United Nations system in the field of human rights. Emphasis is given to those bodies and programmes with major human rights responsibilities. 


Haunted Carnival Shock Wave Games http://www.adveract.com/games/haunt/haunt.htm Really Ghoulie! Great fun... 

Ben & Jerries aunted Ice Scream Pages http://www.benjerry.com/halloween/index.html More fun! 

The Story of Echo the Bat http://imagers.gsfc.nasa.gov/intro/story.html This is a great interactive story of Echo the bat. You will help Echo find his way back home after being lost in a storm. You will love this delightful interactive web site from NASA. 

Frankenstein http://www.georgetown.edu/irvinemj/english016/franken.html Go here for the complete text of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein*. Information and stills from various Frankenstein movies are also available here. 

The National Library of Medicine has an exhibition on Frankenstein Frankenstein http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/frankenstein/frankhome.html This is a site which "looks at the world from which Mary Shelley came, at how popular culture has embraced the Frankenstein story, and at how Shelley's creation continues to illuminate the blurred, uncertain boundaries of what we consider 'acceptable' science." 

Halloween HQ http://www.netfix.com/poptart/hallo.htm Visit this site to read about the history of Halloween and practical safety tips for tricksters and treaters. The really scary part of this site is the bad Halloween jokes. Here's a sample: "Why does the Mummy keep his Band Aids in the refrigerator? He wants to use them later for cold cuts!" 

Happy Halloween http://www.holidays.net/halloween Find more information about the history and traditions of Halloween at this site. You can also read about Los Dias de los Muertos (I like the dancing skeleton graphics) and download holiday music. 

ParentsPlace.com Halloween http://www.parentsplace.com This site offers trick or treating safety tips, costume ideas, recipes, party games, and ideas for crafts. Click on "Halloween" and take Halloween History 101. 

DEM BONES Scroll down and you can hear and tape the song!!! http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/apollo/176/jukebox.htm 

Cool interactive bone lesson. http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/oa/Bin/science.html 

The Realm of Spooky Tales http://www.bconnex.net/~mbuchana/realms/page8/index.html From Ghoulies and Ghosties, And long-leggity Beasties, And all Things that go bump in the Night, Good Lord deliver us. Stories to read aloud. 

Welford and Wickham School Scary Halloween Room http://www.wickham.newbury.sch.uk/haloween/haloween.html This is a nice example of a teacher who used the Halloween theme to spur her class on to create a cool Halloween site. 

PUMPKINS http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/9673/pumpkins.htm Tons of curriculum ideas with pumpkins. 


Greg's Place http://homepages.infoseek.com/~c0ffee1/SuperSitesIII.html This is a great listing of some extensive sites for teachers, with coments on each. 

==== CALL FOR IDEAS ===================

Do you have tips or opinions on current theories/methodologies to share? Do you have a great site you think I should add to Mrs. Young's Super Charged Educational Voyage? Submit it! E-mail: mrsysuggestions@jrydevelopment.com ======================================= 

Interested in sponsoring this newsletter? Please send your request mailto:mrsysponsor@jrydevelopment.com To subscribe to this newsletter go here: http://educationcompanion.listbot.com/ >> This publication may be freely redistributed if copied in its ENTIRETY<< =========================================================== The contents of the newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Mrs. Young's Super Charged Educational Voyage, Janet Young, or her company, JRY Development Corp. Mrs. Young's Super Charged Educational Voyage, Janet Young, or her company, JRY Development Corp. make no warranties, either expressed or implied, about the truth or accuracy of the contents of the Mrs. Young's Super Charged Educational Voyage Web Site and The Education Companion Newsletter. =========================================================== 

These pages are copyrighted ©1999 under JRY Development Corp., AS WELL AS each author's name. 


~ End of Mrs. Young's Super Charged Educational Voyage "Education Companion Newsletter" ~ ===========================================================


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